Sunday, February 20, 2011


I really failed when I lowered my goal to blogging once a week, but I still want to do it... starting now! ;)
It has been a month and a half since I have been home. That is crazy for me. My freshman and sophmore year, I was home every weekend, and last semester it went to once every 3 or 4 weeks. I didn't mean to stay away for this long. after the snowpocolypse all I wanted to do was come home. I had Bruce cabin fever.

There is no place like home. It feels great to be home with my family.  My dad's birthday was yesterday. I didn't see him Friday night when I got home because he was sleeping, but I did see his face light up when I came downstairs Saturday morning. I feel bad for staying away for so long, but things got busy at school. Hence the not blogging for so long. Dad's birthday was pretty chill and we had some awesome food. My sister made pasta with grilled veggies and a carrot cake with applesauce instead of eggs. I made pina coladas for the family. Yum :) Yesterday was also my baby girl Axell's birthday. I wish I could have celebrated with her and her family, but you know the sitch.

It's funny that I haven't had any tests so far, but the one weekend I come home I have to study for two coming up this week. My Finance test is tomorrow, JOY!  A bonus about coming home is free laundry! I have been busy working on this ridiculous accounting project for about a month. We are still not done, but it's due next week. I have been pretty good about working since I got back to school. I started out going to the gym everyday, but then the snowpocalypse happened. After that Axell and I started Insanity workout videos with the boys. They are crazy! I have never been so sore in my life, but it gets better. I feel bad because I haven't done it in a week, but we are always working on the accounting project whenever the boys are doing Insanity. I can't wait for this project to be over. I am gonna get back on track! The good news is I didn't gain any of that weight back over the break! Now I just want to get back in shape and feel good.

Okay well I really do need to get back to studying. Blog again soon :)